
[ Levels ]

All levels -- No previous tango experience required
Level 1 -- Beginners: No previous tango experience required
Level 2/3 -- Improvers: Less than 2 years of tango experience
Level 3/4 -- Intermediate: More than 1 year and less than 4 years of tango experience
Level 4/5 -- Advanced: More than 3 years of tango experience
Stage Tango -- Advanced dancers interested in the formation for tango on stage

[ Beginners Lesson ]

Level 1 Beginners
Sep. 10 Instructors to be announced - Beginners Lesson - fundamentals and concepts of argentine tango.

[ Workshops by Level ]

All levels
Sep. 13 Roberto & Silvana - Argentine folklore - Chacarera

Level 2/3 Improvers
Sep. 11 Roberto & Silvana - Clarity of roles, musicality, understanding of followers and leaders, dissociation.
Sep. 13 Javier & Andrea - Turns (giros) with sacadas
Sep. 13 Roberto & Silvana - Today's tango - elements, structure and general makeup of today's form of dance. Updating traditional elements for application in today's tango.
Sep. 14 Pablo & Noelia - Combinations for the milonga and floor navigation

Level 3/4 Intermediate
Sep. 12 Roberto & Silvana - Tango & milonga - embraces - open, closed, present and relaxed.
Sep. 12 Roberto & Silvana - Flexible movements, off one's axis, enrosques, balanzas, invasions, common spaces. Level I
Sep. 13 Javier & Andrea - Boleos for tango salon and tango fantasia
Sep. 13 Roberto & Silvana - Breathing tango - pauses, feeling the movement.
Sep. 14 Pablo & Noelia - Women sacadas
Sep. 14 Javier & Andrea - Barridas combination
Sep. 14 Javier & Andrea - Musicality - dancing to different orchestras and change of energy
Sep. 15 Pablo & Noelia - Men and women ganchos

Level 4/5 Advanced
Sep. 11 Javier & Andrea - Tango milonguero
Sep. 12 Javier & Andrea - Pauses and adagio
Sep. 12 Javier & Andrea - Smooth milonga and milonga with traspie
Sep. 13 Pablo & Noelia - Men/women technique
Sep. 13 Pablo & Noelia - Colgadas and volcadas
Sep. 14 Roberto & Silvana - Flexible movements - off one's axis, enrosques, balanzas, invasions, common spaces. Level II
Sep. 14 Roberto & Silvana - Tango & milonga - "compadre" movements (tricks, walks, picardia, zaraza, i.e. solutions for every situation).
Sep. 14 Roberto & Silvana - Playing with tango - creativity and improvisation, dialogue between the bodies.
Sep. 14 Pablo & Noelia - Combinations for vals
Sep. 15 Javier & Andrea - High sacadas and boleos for men and women

Level 4/5 Stage Tango
Sep. 12 Pablo & Noelia - Jumps and tricks
Sep. 12 Pablo & Noelia - Variation - technique for fast movements.
Sep. 13 Pablo & Noelia - Using the space and different fronts on the stage